Monday, October 15, 2007

Making Howl-o-Ween Fun for You and Your Pets

Halloween is just around the corner, and if you haven't noticed there are plenty of fun things to do with your pets.

The Somerset Regional Animal Shelter is having a Halloween Adoptathon and fun day on October 27 at the shelter (, Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter ( is having a Halloween Photo Event on October 23 and Tewksbury Township is hosting Bark in the Park,

In terms of costumes Walmart, Target, Petco and Petsmart all have great costumes for your pets. It's so hard to decide because they are all cute.

Halloween can a fun time for you and your pets if you keep safety in mind. Always remember that CHOCOLATE IS TOXIC to animals and should be kept well out of reach!

For more details on how to keep your pet safe during Halloween, please visit

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vick's Pitbulls - Are they Good Family Pets?

It's recently been announced through an article by CNN that all but one of Michael Vick's dogs will be placed with families as pets or a sanctuary so that they can be socialized and interact in a positive manner with humans.

I for one, don't think I would feel comfortable owning one of these dogs and having them interact with children because of their fighting history, even though they have been professionally evaluated by behavior experts. I seriously question if these dogs would make "good family pets."

In addition, many dogs will be sent to a sanctuary to be socialized. Is this really a responsible and compassionate decision? Because I wonder if these dogs will have quality of life in a sanctuary. Will they truly have interaction with people, or will they be locked up in cages 90% of the time and left to their own devices?

I fear that many will end up going kennel crazy, a fate which is indeed worse than death.

Unfortunately, this is a tragic situation. These dogs have already been through so much - I would hate for them to have to endure life in a cage.